Return to Africa: a need and a call to serve
We invite you to help Dan and Kathryn Smith Derksen answer the call to share their training and experience in South Africa, engaging in the critically needed ministry of peacemaking and reconciliation.
Why South Africa?
Even amidst the possibilities offered by multiracial democracy, post-apartheid South Africa continues to deal with the consequences of racial oppression. Growing disparity of wealth and tensions related to increasing immigrant populations require models of power-sharing, respect and forgiveness. While the need is large, supporting local conflict transformation initiatives will make a real difference.
To this end, Mennonite Mission Network is excited to have the Smith Derksens from Evergreen Mennonite Church (Kirkland, Washington) and Northminster Presbyterian Church (Seattle, Washington) answer the call for personnel support from the Southern African Development and Reconstruction Agency (SADRA) in Cape Town, South Africa. This is a partnership ministry assisting Pastor Oscar Siwali with teaching peacemaking skills in schools to reduce gang violence and empowering local church and community leaders through capacity-building workshops and advocacy. They will also support other long-time Mission Network partners, such as Bethany Bible School in its teaching ministry among African-Initiated Churches, and Grace Community Church with its boundary-crossing ministries of reconciliation.
Why Dan and Kathryn?
Having been born in Africa and raised in peacemaking traditions, Dan (Church of the Brethren) and Kathryn (Mennonite) both feel strongly called to this work. They’ve already completed six years in similar service—three years each in Uganda and Chad—documenting human rights in a war zone, researching and publishing advocacy materials on the Amnesty Law, and providing administrative support to ecumenical leaders in Muslim/Christian dialogue. The immediate need in South Africa calls them to this exciting ministry!
How you can help
We need people who will partner with Dan and Kathryn, through prayer and financial support. This ministry of furthering God’s reconciling love among the people of South Africa is expected to cost $114,000 per year for three years. On behalf of the Smith Derksens, we are seeking commitments of support totaling $80,000 each year from friends, families and congregational connections. All support is deeply appreciated!
If you feel called to support Dan and Kathryn in this ministry, please complete and return the enclosed Partnership Intention card. Alternatively, automatic monthly and one-time electronic giving are available through the Mennonite Mission Network at Mission Network Online Giving.
With gratitude,
The Ministry Support Team:
Paul Brown, Evergreen Mennonite Liz Tennant, Northminster Presbyterian
Annette Hein, Evergreen Mennonite Rodney Schmidt, Northminster Presbyterian
Karina Derksen-Schrock, Evergreen Mennonite Lanny Shuman, University Christian